Search Results
177 item(s) found

U.S. Gunboat
Soldby Philip S. Reed The waterline model under sail is a great depiction of a classic Jeffersonian era gunboat built on the western rivers circa...

“Homeward Bound”
SoldBy: Derek Hunnisett Extreme miniature waterline model. Packet ship - NEW YORK c. 1840. This William Webb design merchant ship was built by Webb and...

Popularby: Lloyd McCaffery British Expeditionary Bark of 1764; Full-hull model built in 2004; Glazed case with oak burl veneer This well-appointed and ingenious model with...

PopularBy: Donald McNarry, FRSA PILGRIM American Merchant Brig of 1825 Waterline model built in 1983 | Scale: 16’ = 1” Glazed case with matching oak...